The Russian team will perform at the Rhythmic Gymnastics Cup in the UAE

The Russian team for the first time will take part in the International Cup of the Arab Emirates in rhythmic gymnastics.

The 3rd Emirates International Rhythmic Gymnastics Cup will be held at the GEMS Dubai American Academy in Dubai on April 5-6, 2019 with the support of the Dubai Sports Council and the Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Dubai and the Northern Emirates. This is reported by Natalia Gymnastics Club in conjunction with the El Bahrawy Group, Brands & Trends, GEMS Education and MonViso.

The Russian team will arrive for the first time in the Cup with a number on the topic of Cinderella. Three-time Olympic champion in gymnastics among men Alexander Buklov will hold a master class for athletes.

Rhythmic gymnastics combines elements of ballet, gymnastics, dance and interactions with objects. This tournament will bring together 140 athletes from 10 countries aged 5 to 17 years.

The event begins on April 5 at 10:00 and runs until 19:00. On the second day, the Cup will be held from 10:00 to 16:00.

Guests will be offered delicious treats and the services of a professional makeup artist.

Watch the video: Can Margarita Mamun, Russias top Rhythmic Gymnast, transform this team? The Z Team (May 2024).