A new attraction will send guests flying around the highest tower in Dubai

In Dubai, launched a new attraction that allows you to jump from Burj Khalifa.

In Dubai VR Park VR Park launched a new attraction "Dubai - a rising falcon". It allows everyone to travel to the wonderful world of virtual reality, "turn" into a falcon and fly around the highest tower Burj Khalifa.

The attraction is notable for the 4D effect, which is achieved by blowing wind into the person’s face. The strength of the wind corresponds to the speed of its flight.

The developer of the attraction was Games Cook from the USA, which recently received a prize of 500 thousand dirhams ($ US 136 thousand) in the competition "VR and Beyond" for the development of this concept. Studio staff were given access to the Burj Khalifa premises so that the tower recreated in virtual reality was close to the original.

Watch the video: Dubai's Burj Jumeirah : UAE New 550-Metre-Tall Skyscraper To Open In 2023 (May 2024).