Circle of favorites

EVERY DAY AT INSTAGRAM, 300 MILLION USERS PUT 4.2 BILLION LIKES AND PUT 95 MILLION POS. THIS IS THE MOST FAST-GROWING SOCIAL NETWORK IN THE WORLD — AN ACCOUNT IN INSTAGRAM ALREADY HAS EVERY FOURTEEN RESIDENT OF THE EARTH. In order not to drown in this ocean of information, we have selected ten of the best accounts from the emirates, which are worth paying attention to.


Dubai's towers and skyscrapers certainly deserve their own Instagram. The account of the Dubai-based photographer, hiding behind the pseudonym pixelville, is filled with shots from unusual points of view: here there are photos of the Bourge Khalifa from the ground, and suicidally brave pictures of the legs hanging from the upper floors of the towers of Dubai Marina, and a photo of a deserted desert.


Altamash Javed is a Dubai-based investment banker and photographer. If we try to retell the contents of his account, you may not believe us - better see for yourself. Stunning pictures of Dubai and its environs.

@ faz3

His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Muhammad bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the Crown Prince of Dubai, is an absolute favorite of social networks in the UAE. His main hobbies are extreme sports and photography: the perfect mix for Instagram. And another 4.5 million subscribers can spy on the life of the ruling family in Dubai. Almost all of his posts are reprinted and duplicated by other users and the media, as the level of quality of the content is very high.


Taim Al-Falasi is one of the most influential bloggers in the Emirates: it has already gained one and a half million subscribers. In just three years, Taim has created a career as an online director, podcast, and video blogger. Now any celebrity is happy to give her an interview. She already has 225 thousand subscribers on YouTube, and 80 thousand on Twitter. On Instagram, she posts mostly video diaries and photos from trips and events. Each of her posts collects at least 15 thousand likes.


Michel Karam is one of the main travelers of the emirate Instagram. She started keeping her Traveler’s Diary two years ago. Now she has 78,200 subscribers, and their number is growing every day. Its goal is to create a platform on which people can "share their personal travel experiences and inspiring moments from life." "Instagram is very important for my business: there I communicate with my subscribers every day, I know where they come from, what they want," Karam said. If it weren’t for Instagram, I wouldn’t recognize them, and they are me. " "Instagram posts appear instantly, but the results aren’t. People need to believe in you and love. You must earn their trust. "


Probably, all Russian-speaking residents of Emirates know Yakub Islamov, a terrific photographer and just a good person. His pictures are full of joy and love of life - love, nature, weddings and breathtaking views of Dubai. His second account is @photo_in_dubai.


Karen McLean, an expat from Australia, is arguably the Emirates' most popular food blogger. The Queen of Chia Pudding cooks at home every day, but still finds time to stop by at her favorite Dubai restaurants and cafes. The main thing for Karen is a healthy diet. Obviously, many people share these values, because each of her posts collects thousands of likes. McLean opened her first Instagram account in 2013 when she moved to the UAE. “I had no friends, no work, so I spent days in my kitchen. And I decided to sign up for Instagram so that I had where to upload my photos.” Previously, Karen worked as an accountant, and now she is fully devoted to social networks. In her opinion, bright, lively pictures that reveal personality and evoke emotions among viewers enjoy the greatest success on Instagram.

@hudabinr In this account, you will arrange a tour of the wilderness alleys of the Deira district and the abandoned warehouses of Al-Quz. Huda bin Redha, a photographer, especially loves the view from behind, giving her photos a mystery.

@thefierce_nay Dubai fashionista Nadia Hassan has already collected 143 thousand loyal subscribers. She easily and elegantly combines street clothing brands with luxurious high fashion. It will be difficult for you to resist the temptation to immediately run to The Dubai Mall and buy everything that is worn on it.


Chris Fade, Virgin Radio presenter, needs no introduction. And his @ krisfadeshow account is without a doubt the most fun way to start your morning.

Watch the video: The Power of Your Inner Circle - Playing Favorites (July 2024).