360 degree security


The first task of an armored executive car is one hundred percent protection of its passengers, the second is to be inconspicuous and not attract attention. Therefore, it is not so easy to recognize them on the streets of big cities - all secrets are hidden inside. The lightweight composite armor helps keep the standard weight, thanks to which the PanzerVagen does not look like a tank on wheels. Bulletproof laminated glass, reinforced suspension, door supports and hinges, a 360-degree view along the perimeter of the door - the presence of these necessary elements does not affect the speed, maneuverability and appearance of the armored vehicle. The levels of armor protection are divided into classes depending on the type of weapon with which they are tested. At Dubai’s largest armored vehicle manufacturing plant, Inkas collects up to hundreds of armored vehicles per month. The most popular SUVs are Toyota Land Cruiser 200, Nissan Patrol, Lexus 570 with excellent cross-country ability, as well as luxury Mercedes - in this niche, Inkas has almost no competitors in the Middle East and Africa.

Armored cars do not require special maintenance. Nevertheless, special Inkas service stations that can solve all emerging technical issues (after all, we are talking about increased danger!) Can be found in many countries of the Middle East. It should be noted that only 20% of all Inkas machines remain in the UAE, and the remaining 80% are exported: to Iraq, Nigeria and Afghanistan. Among the customers are diplomatic missions, offices of state and commercial structures, security services using armored cars not only by special order, but also in everyday life.

Does a car designed to protect need to be fashionable? Why not? "We often combine a high degree of protection with comfort and exclusivity. Any non-standard materials, including leather and precious wood, can be used in the decoration. By the way, many will recognize Inkas work including the high quality of decoration," says Ulugbekhon Maksumov, Head of Inkas in Dubai.

Additional options

  • Easy booking
  • Fire extinguishing system
  • Flashing lights, siren, intercom
  • Heavy duty wheels
  • HD brake system

Standard booking

  • Interior protection around the perimeter
  • Bulletproof laminated glass
  • Reinforced suspension, door supports and hinges
  • Battery, trip computer and radiator protection
  • Emergency battery
  • Anti-puncture device

Watch the video: 8. 9 Megapixel 360 degree Network Camera (May 2024).