March 2011 April

Aries / Aries (21 / 03-20 / 04) ›››
In March, you will want to use your personal qualities to get certain results. Ambition will be high, but you will almost always succeed in achieving your planned goals. You will be bold in statements, ironic and very witty in April.

Taurus / Taurus (21 / 04-21 / 05) ›››

Your alliances and arrangements in March will be fruitful. You have a meeting with a person who used to be your neighbor or classmate, from whom you will learn a lot about former friends and acquaintances. In April, many of you will be in a situation where you want to express your gratitude to a famous person.

Gemini / Gemini (22 / 05-21 / 06) ›››

You will need friendly participation, other people's advice in order to avoid difficulties in relations with others in March. Intuitively, you will follow the logic of circumstances, avoiding danger and obstacles. In April, you will have a difficult meeting with a group of officials. Perhaps a feast.

Cancer / Cancer (22 / 06-22 / 07) ›››

In March, you will often be offended by someone, make claims to others. But you yourself will often be able to make one mistake after another, not paying attention to other people's inconveniences. In April a whole stream of news and various information will fall upon you. This also applies to work, and new ways of manifesting one's own significance.

Leo / Leo (23 / 07-23 / 08) ›››

In March, the strength of your influence on others will increase, the level of popularity will increase. However, you will be troubled by simple questions that will be difficult to find answers. In April, you will prove yourself as a keen nature, devoid of indecision. You will be inherent in humor and a slightly frivolous state of mind.

Virgo / Virgo (24 / 08-23 / 09) ›››

In March, someone will do repair work, others will do the general cleaning, and still others will try to improve the quality of their own housing through technical equipment. In April, your ideas will not haunt your opponents. You will find very original solutions in seemingly trivial situations.

Scales / Libra (24 / 09-23 / 10) ›››

You should avoid unbalanced friends in March. A forced return to old ties is not ruled out. In April, a temporary limitation of independence will annoy you. You will strive to get away from dependent ways of cooperation, but for now, circumstances will be on the side of others.

Scorpio / Scorpio (24 / 10-22 / 11) ›››

Everything that requires mental expenses and high convincing strength will turn out in March easily and naturally. They will trust you, they will find the most authoritative mentor in your face. In April, pay attention to controversial issues with long-standing rivals. There is a risk of making a mistake.

Sagittarius / Sagitt arius (23 / 11-21 / 12) ›››

In March, you should not miss the chance to advance in a professional direction. Often, these successes will be due to the efforts of your business partners. Stability and constancy await you in April. Good news from afar is expected. This will give you the opportunity to resolve some material issues.

Capricorn / Capricorn (22/12 20/01) ›››

The theme of the place of residence is again brought to your forefront in March. These days you will get something unusual from a friend. Surprises will be characteristic in communication with others. In April, it is possible to receive money from several sources at once. Your mood will often depend on the climate in the family or team relationships at work.

Aquarius / Aquarius (21/01 18/02) ›››

In March, luck will be on the side of those who resort to the help of reliable friends. In the professional field, the role of patrons or superiors will be great. In April, good points will appear for short-term partnership agreements. You may be interested in others the advantage of your professional position.

Pisces (19/02 20/03) ›››

In March, the possibility of a long journey or a significant professional shift looms on your horizon. Time contributes to a significant turn of events in personal life. In April, you may be oppressed by thoughts about the successes of your opponents and rivals. The creative aspect is becoming almost invisible.

Watch the video: MARCH 2011 DIRTY DUTCH ELECTRO MIX APRIL 2011 (May 2024).