In Dubai, 183 drivers cannot pay hard-earned money and get out of prison

The Dubai Emirate’s Prosecutor’s Office has asked charitable organizations to help drivers in jail in the UAE who are serving sentences for fatal accidents.

The Dubai Prosecutor’s Office reported that it was trying to find about 30 million dirhams (more than $ 8 million) in order to help drivers in Dubai prisons pay their victims “blood money” (diya).

Salah Bou Farusha, Prosecutor General of the Dubai Transport Prosecutor’s Office, said in a July 21, 2015 statement that the prosecutor’s office is doing everything possible to help 183 prisoners who had a fatal accident from 2013 to 2014 and remained behind bars because they didn’t pay "blood money" to the relatives of the victims.

The prosecutor’s office appealed to charitable organizations and insurance companies in which the cars of convicted drivers were insured so that they could contribute money in the amount of 200 thousand dirhams (about 55 thousand US dollars) for each victim of the accident.

The initiative of the prosecutor's office owes its recent history with a happy ending - the other day a driver came out of prison who was in prison from January to July because he could not pay 200 thousand dirhams to the victim's family. The prosecutor's office drew attention to his social status and found out that he was the only breadwinner for his wife and children. Prosecutors took the initiative and contacted one of the charitable organizations that paid diy on behalf of the detainee, after which he was released.

Watch the video: she is so beautiful (July 2024).