Abu Dhabi turns freight containers into bus stops

Dozens of bus stops from converted cargo containers will soon appear on the streets of Abu Dhabi.

Abu Dhabi residents will soon have the opportunity to wait for their bus in a unique setting. The Department of Transportation said on Sunday that a number of new stops would be converted from freight containers.

The initiative is part of a project to open 100 new air-conditioned stops by the end of the year. About 600 new stations are planned in total by 2020.

20 container stops at the first stage will be opened in the next few months. There will be more if the people of Abu Dhabi appreciate the initiative.

All new objects will have a unique design with geometric patterns. Some have special colors and designations.

The stops are equipped with shading facilities, seats, bus schedules, waste stations, QR codes that will allow you to study bus routes.

Some container stops will be temporary, while others will be permanent. Containers can be installed faster and 40% cheaper compared to conventional stations.

"The idea is to improve the quality of public transport services," said Ahmed Al-Mazrui, adviser to the chairman of the transport department.

"If we do not take any action, the movement will be hindered. The government believes that public transport is the solution, so the stops are very important," said Mr. Al-Mazrui.

New stops occupy 6 to 12 meters in length, but most of them are nine-meter installations. One large station is 13 meters long. It is being built opposite the main bus station in Abu Dhabi and can accommodate up to 60 people.

About 52 million bus trips were made in Abu Dhabi last year, which is three percent more than in 2016.

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